The Schrodinger's Cat Is Alive

Helium-2 (2He) is a hypothetical type of helium nucleus consisting of two protons and no neutrons. Diprotons are not stable; this is due to spin-spin interactions in the nuclear force, and the Pauli exclusion principle, which forces the two protons to have anti-aligned spins and gives the diproton a binding energy greater than zero.

Noboru, the cat above, is the administrator of this unstable place called He-2.


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Unstable thoughts into The Unstable Blog.

GPG Public Key

C0E3 9C55 3700 E13A E41E FB33 B7AA BF26 09B8 3F95


You can send an email to: noboru [at] he-2 [dot] org

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Maybe this site is poor of topics but surely it is rich of simplicity: just built with vim + sakura css.

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